City Council to Consider New Logo and Riverfront Real Estate Purchase


News Release from City of Wilsonville
Posted on FlashAlert: February 27th, 2015 3:31 PM
WILSONVILLE, OR -- At the upcoming Wilsonville City Council meeting on Monday, March 2, 2015, the Council is expected to consider the adoption of a new branding strategy which includes a new logo, tagline and positioning statement for the City. If approved, the logo and tagline will replace the original logo adopted when the City was incorporated in 1969 depicting a hand holding a seedling and tagline of "Serving the Community with Pride." Over the past five months, members of the City leadership have worked closely with a Portland-based branding and marketing firm, Manifesto, to conduct research, interview community lea ders, draft a positioning statement, and develop a proposed logo and tagline. Creation of a new branding identity for the City represents the completion of a City Council goal that was suggested during both the economic-development and tourism-development strategies formation.

At the meeting the City Council is also expected to consider a resolution authorizing the City to acquire riverfront property that adjoins Boones Ferry Park in the Old Town neighborhood of Wilsonville. The property is located east of Boones Ferry Park and south of the Wilsonville Wastewater Treatment Plant. Formerly the location of a mobile-home park, the site is currently occupied only by the property owners. If approved by Council, acquisition of this riverfront land provides for a potential future expansion of the adjacent Boones Ferry Park and additional public access to the Willamette River, which was identified in the 2014 Tourism Development Strategy as an important priority.

Other items to be considered by City Council include a consideration of a resolution in support of creating a Willamette Falls National Heritage area and a proposed supplemental budget adjustment moving approved expenditures from one category to another without increasing the overall budget previously approved by City Council.

Under Communications, the City Council is scheduled to hear a report from members of Wood Middle School's Jr. Scoop club, who are expected to provide an overview of their club and provide City Council and attendees at the meeting free samples of their premium ice cream.
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