Woman Arrested After Attempt to Elude on Interstate 5 in Southern Oregon (Photo)


News Release from Oregon State Police
Posted on FlashAlert: August 12th, 2014 3:24 PM
Downloadable file: 081214.i5_elude_arrest.1.jpg
Downloadable file: 081214.i5_elude_arrest.2.jpg
Oregon State Police (OSP) troopers arrested a 22-year old female Tuesday afternoon following her attempt to elude police northbound on Interstate 5 between Central Point and Sunny Valley. The attempt to elude ended when OSP troopers stopped her vehicle using a tactical vehicle intervention (TVI) te chnique.

On August 12, 2014 at approximately 12:31 p.m., OSP Southern Command Center dispatch received a citizen's driving complaint of a recklessly driven passenger car northbound on Interstate 5 in the Medford area. A trooper set up north of Central Point near milepost 34 and spotted a similar looking vehicle traveling at 88 mph. The trooper attempted to stop the speeding vehicle, a Dodge Avenger, which accelerated at over 100 mph.

Approaching a highway work zone near milepost 40, the eluding vehicle nearly ran a motorcyclist off the freeway. For safety reasons, the trooper terminated his attempt to stop the vehicle but continued driving northbound in case he came across it stopped in the work zone.

Troopers from the Grants Pass work site headed to the freeway where a trooper spotted the vehicle near milepost 56. A trooper attempted to deploy spike strips in the area but the driver avoided the strips and sped up again to over 100 mph. During the next several miles the vehicle continued recklessly, passing other motorists on both shoulders at high speeds.

Approaching milepost 70 near Sunny Valley, two commercial trucks occupied both northbound lanes traveling about 35 mph caused the eluding vehicle to slow down. The troopers deployed a TVI maneuver causing the vehicle to spin and stop on a curb near the end of a freeway on ramp.

At approximately 1:26 p.m., OSP troopers and Josephine County Sheriff's Office arrested the female driver without further incident.

The driver's name will be released after she is transported back to Jackson County Jail where she will be lodged on several charges.

Photographs - Oregon State Police

### www.oregon.gov/OSP ###
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