**Updated with Fire Cause** - Crews battle fire in Beaverton (Photo)


News Release from Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
Posted on FlashAlert: August 8th, 2014 11:00 AM
Downloadable file: IMG_0816-1.JPG
Downloadable file: BeavFire2.jpg
Downloadable file: Firefighters work to ventilate building
A TVF&R fire investigator has determined the cause of this fire was heat from a torch that in-turn overheated a steel pipe and ignited nearby combustibles. The building was under renovation at the time along with the HVAC system updates. Damage to the building is estimated at $76,000.

At 6:58pm firefighters were dispatched to a report of a fire in a commercial building at 12870 SW Farmington in Beaverton. On arrival crews found heavy smoke coming from the roof vents and initiated an interior attack of the fire. Once inside firefighters focused their attention on a mezzanine level of the building where they were faced with high heat and no visibility. Soon after entry there were concerns about the structural integrity of the mezzanine floor and firefighters subsequently evacuated the building as a safety precaution. While crews continued to battle the fire from the exterior, other firefighters cut roof holes to ventilate the building, allowing hot gases to escape and improve interior visibility. Once ventilation was complete, crews re-entered the building to extinguish the remaining fire. To assist with the operation, a 2nd alarm was called to bring additional resources to the scene.

A search of the the building found no one inside and no injuries were reported. The owner of the 2997 square foot building said it was currently in the process of being renovated.

A fire investigator is on scene to determine cause and origin of the fire.
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