Update: Name Released - Serious Injury Commercial Truck Crash - Highway 62 northeast of Prospect (Photo)


News Release from Oregon State Police
Posted on FlashAlert: August 8th, 2014 3:17 PM
Downloadable file: 080814.hwy62_mp50.1.jpg
Downloadable file: 080814.hwy62_mp50.2.jpg
A commercial truck driver was seriously injured Friday morning after crashing head-on into a tree off Highway 62 near Prospect in Jackson County. Oregon State Police (OSP) is continuing the investigation into the cause of the crash.

On August 8, 2014 at approximately 5:15 a.m., a Les Schwab commercial truck driven by GARY D. FLORY, age 50, from Redmond, was traveling westbound on Highway 62 near milepost 50. For an unconfirmed reason, the truck and two trailers loaded with tires traveled off the highway where the truck collided head-on into a tree.

FLORY was seriously injured and trapped inside. It took fire personnel from Prospect Rural Fire Protection District about 45 minutes to extricate him from the truck. He was then transported by air ambulance to Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Medford.

OSP troopers from the Central Point Area Command office are continuing the investigation. Trooper Ryan Neuenschwander is the lead investigator.

OSP was assisted at the scene by Jackson County Sheriff's Office, Prospect Rural Fire Protection District, and ODOT.

ODOT remains on scene coordinating vehicle removal. According to TripCheck.com, motorists should use caution and expect delays (near Ginko Basin Road - between Prospect and Union Creek) as salvage operations have begun to offload cargo and remove the vehicles. Travelers should expect single lane traffic controlled by flaggers and intermittent closures of up to 15 minutes. Traffic updates will be posted on TripCheck.com.

Photographs - Oregon State Police

### www.oregon.gov/OSP ###
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