Homeowner Fires Gun to Stop Fleeing DUII Driver after Crash (Photo)


News Release from Washington Co. Sheriff's Office
Posted on FlashAlert: August 8th, 2014 2:29 PM
Downloadable file: Tire Marks From Crash
Downloadable file: ARRESTED
August 8, 2014--Sheriff's Deputies arrested a man for DUII and other charges after a
homeowner fired a handgun in close proximity to keep him from fleeing after a crash.

On August 7, 2014, at 11:16 p.m., Washington County Sheriff's Deputies responded to a
disturbance at a residence located in the 17800 block of SW Hillsboro Highway in the
community of Scholls. A vehicle reportedly crashedonto the property and was attempted to flee the scenewhen the homeowner fired a gun to stop the driver from leaving.

Multiple Sheriff's Deputies responded and were able toquickly secure the scene and confirm that there wereno injuries. Deputies found Hunter Tintera, 27, fromNewberg, was driving a 2003 Jeep Liberty when hefailed to negotiate a curve on SW Hillsboro Highway. He left the road and crashed on 58 year-old JamesAttaway's property. There was substantial damage to a fence, tree and yard caused by the Jeep.

Mr. Attaway reportedly heard the commotion and wentoutside with a high caliber handgun. It was learned that Mr.Tintera reportedly attempted to flee the scene in the Jeep anddrove through Mr. Attaway's property coming within a fewfeet of the house. Hunter Tintera's Jeep sustained heavy front end damage and two flat tires making it difficult tooperate. It was reported that Mr. Attaway fired his handguninto the ground repeatedly until Mr. Tintera stopped the Jeep
and complied with his commands.

Deputies believe alcohol and speed were contributing factorsin this crash. James Attaway's involvement will be sent tothe Washington County District Attorney for charging

Hunter Dewolf Tintera was arrested and lodged in the Washington County Jail. He was
charged with DUII and Criminal Mischief. He was held on $5,000 bail and has since
been released.

Citizens are reminded that if they see illegal activity and if possible, to move to an area
that is safe and call 911 to report the incident.
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