Driver Arrested After Attempt to Elude in Vehicle, Injury Crash, & Attempt to Elude on Foot in Salem Area (Photo)


News Release from Oregon State Police
Posted on FlashAlert: August 7th, 2014 9:58 PM
Downloadable file: 080714.hyacinth_salemparkway.jpg
Oregon State Police (OSP) arrested a Salem-area man Thursday afternoon following his brief attempt to elude and injury traffic crash on Hyacinth Road NE at Salem Parkway in Salem.

On August 7, 2014 at approximately 3:25 p.m., an OSP trooper attempted to initiate a traffic stop southbound in the area of Portland Road NE and Hyacinth Road NE on a 1997 Mercury Sable for an equipment lighting violation. The driver pulled into a parking lot and then back onto Portland Road NE where it fled at a high rate of speed. The trooper quickly lost sight and terminated the attempt to stop the vehicle as the vehicle drove northbound on Hyacinth Road NE.

The vehicle ran a red light and attempted to turn left from Hyacinth Road NE onto Salem Parkway where it was involved in a collision with a dump truck. Witnesses pointed the trooper in the direction of the collision and where the driver fled on foot.

With the assistance of descriptions provided by witnesses, the trooper notified OSP Northern Command Center dispatch of the direction that the suspect driver fled and then remained with injured female passenger. The passenger, SIERRA M. MEMMOTT, age 20, from Salem, was transported by ambulance to Salem Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Keizer and Salem police officers responded to the area. The driver was found at approximately 3:49 p.m. by Keizer police officers and detained. He was transported to Salem Hospital with minor injuries.

The lead investigating OSP trooper went to the hospital and identified the driver as WILLIAM DALTON HALL, age 22. After treatment at the hospital, HALL was arrested by OSP and lodged in the Marion County Jail on the following charges:

* Felony Attempt to Elude in a Vehicle
* Misdemeanor Attempt to Elude on Foot
* Reckless Driving
* Recklessly Endangering Another Person
* Hit & Run - Injury
* Assault in the Fourth Degree

HALL also had a warrant for his arrest out of Polk County.

The truck driver was not injured.

OSP was also assisted at the scene by Salem Fire Department and ODOT.

Crash Scene Photograph - Oregon State Police

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