Campfire burns one-half acre on Cedar Island (Photo)


News Release from Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
Posted on FlashAlert: August 18th, 2014 12:16 AM
Downloadable file: Cedar Is Brush Fire-4
Downloadable file: Cedar Is Brush Fire-3
Downloadable file: Cedar Is Brush Fire-2
Downloadable file: Cedar Is Brush Fire-1
At 8:53pm, a call to 9-1-1 reported seeing flames in the grass and brush at Cedar Island Park in West Linn. Crews responded with specialized wildland firefighting equipment and engines from Bolton Station 58 in addition to water response crews from Willamette Station 59 and Lake Oswego South Shore Station.

Crews arrived to find approximately 100-feet of river frontage burning slowly inland from the center of the island. Using portable pumps from the water rescue boat and on shore, water was pumped from the river to crews fighting the fire. With an aggressive attack by fire crews, the fire was quickly contained and extinguished. Short gusts of winds produced minor flare-ups at the anchor of the fire but crews extinguished them quickly. An approximate area of one-half acre was burned on the uninhabited island. No structures are on the island and no injuries were reported.

A TVF&R fire investigator determined that the cause was an illegal campfire. West Linn Police Department is assisting TVF&R in the investigation for information from witnesses and material evidence.

TVF&R would like to remind everyone that a burn ban is in effect that bans all outdoor burning within its jurisdiction with exception in very limited situations. TVF&R urges residents to use extreme caution with smoking materials, barbecues, and other open flames during this time. For more information, please visit:

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