News Release from: Gresham Police Dept
Posted: August 22nd, 2012 4:38 PM
1333 NW Eastman Parkway
Gresham, Oregon 97030
News Release
Craig Junginger, Chief of Police Officer Malaka Kerbs, Public Information Officer
Summer Seat Belt Enforcement Blitz
RELEASE DATE: Aug 23, 2012
CONTACT PERSON: Officer Malaka Kerbs, Public Information Officer
Gresham Traffic Division will be conducting enhanced patrols through grant funding for the express purpose of vehicle occupant safety enforcement. This is in conjunction with the Three Flags Law Enforcement Occupant Protection Program. The focus of this blitz, in addition to seat belt, will be child restraints, and speeds. The blitz period will begin, August 27, 2012 lasting through September 9th, 2012.
Always remember that children under 1 year of age, regardless of weight, or a person who weighs 20 pounds or less must be properly secured with a child safety system in a rear-facing position. All persons who weigh 40 pounds or less must be properly secured with a child safety system that meets the minimum standards and specifications established by the Department of Transportation. Persons weighing more than 40 pounds but are 4'9" or shorter must be properly secured with a child safety system that elevates the persons so that a safety belts fit properly (low across the thighs and over the collar bone away from the neck). Persons who are taller than 4'9" must be properly secured with a safety belt.
Officer Malaka Kerbs
PIO Pager # 503-301-5182
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