Posted: July 8th, 2011 12:23 PM
Photo/sound file: (Initial concepts for the Foothills area.)
Share your ideas and input at the July 14 Open House
Please come to a Foothills Open House to see how Lake Oswego's next great neighborhood is shaping up. Your comments are needed to develop a Foothills Framework Plan for Lake Oswego.
July 14, 2011
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Lake Oswego City Hall, 380 A Avenue
Tri-Met Lines 35, 36
The Foothills planning team, which includes City Staff, property owners in Foothills and their representatives at Williams/Dame and White, and citizens on the Citizen Advisory Committee, has listened to concerns from citizens and businesses in Lake Oswego, searched for possible solutions and has several new concepts and visuals to share:
- The newly envisioned "Willamette Steps" create seamless pedestrian access between Foothills and Downtown businesses and amenities, and could become a new public space and "vertical park."
- The park and ride, formerly proposed for the Albertson's property, can now be largely undergrounded at B Avenue, adjacent to the new pedestrian steps, elevator and public gathering space.
- A detailed floodplain analysis shows no rise in historic flood elevation. Therefore, feasible mitigation strategies are available, some of which could actually improve the health of the Willamette River.
- The proposed streetcar terminus is moved, eliminating concerns about traffic and development on and near Oswego Village Center properties.
- The revised streetcar terminus location reduces costs and other challenges by taking advantage of existing City ownership of land.
- A new visual "gateway" is created from State Street to the streetcar terminus. A public plaza close to State Street could draw pedestrians to possible transit connection in Foothills.
In addition, at the Foothills Open House, get the latest information about costs and financing, potential job creation, housing options, environmental issues, land use, transportation and traffic.
The future of the Foothills neighborhood depends on you! Please provide your reaction and share your ideas.
For more information or to make special arrangements, please contact the project team at: or 503-227-6593 x 102, or visit
Next steps
July 2011 - Refine Overall Framework Plan. Establish Base Building Heights and Density. Preliminary Infrastructure Plan and Cost Estimate. Technical Analysis.
July/August 2011 - Draft Framework Plan Recommendations. Issue Draft for Public Comment. Revise Plan.
August/September 2011 - Finalize Framework Plan, submit to City. Begin Board/Commission Briefings.
October 2011 - City Council Action on Framework Plan.
October 2011 to February 2012 - The Framework Plan develops concepts that are turned into zoning and code changes for the City of Lake Oswego through the Regulatory Amendment Process.
For more information on Foothills efforts, go to or call 503-534-4225.
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