Beaverton Community Vision Survey Now Available

News Release from: City of Beaverton
Posted: March 16th, 2010 10:15 AM

The City of Beaverton is asking people to complete a community priorities survey to help shape and inform city planning and investment priorities for the future. The Beaverton Community Vision survey is available now through May 15, 2010. The City of Beaverton will also be mailing a copy of the survey to every household in Beaverton through the city newsletter. The survey is also available on-line at

The Beaverton Community Vision is a citizen-inspired roadmap for the future of our City. Thousands of people have contributed their thoughts on what Beaverton can become, and how we can get there. Under the guidance of a citizen-led advisory committee, community ideas have been organized into five overarching "vision goals" for the future. Teams of community volunteers combed through the thousands of ideas collected and recommended 164 "action ideas" for the city to begin to implement. The purpose of this survey is to help prioritize those 164 ideas to focus the City's planning efforts around the points of community consensus.

The survey is available in six languages: English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Vietnamese. It can be downloaded off the City's web site or taken at locations throughout the community including: Beaverton City Hall (4755 SW Griffith Drive), the Beaverton City Library (12375 SW 5th Street), the Beaverton Community Center (12350 SW 5th Street), the Beaverton Resource Center (12500 SW Allen Blvd), and many more. The survey is also available in a large-print version by request.

Volunteers from the City's Visioning Advisory Committee will be at public events from now through May 15, 2010, to gather your input. For a full list of locations, please visit

Mayor Denny Doyle, the Beaverton City Council and the Visioning Advisory Committee will be hosting Coffee Talks with local Beaverton businesses to promote the survey and highlight work from the visioning project. The public is encouraged to attend and share their views. The Coffee Talks will be held at:

Ava Roasteria Conference & Catering Center
4770 SW Hall Blvd
Monday, March 22
8:30 am – 10:00 am

Krispy Kreme
16415 NW Cornell Rd
Monday, April 19
8:30 am – 10:00 am

Metro Perc
16325 SW Barrows Rd
Monday, May 17
8:30 am – 10:00 am

For more information about the Beaverton Community Vision project, please contact Holly Thompson at (503) 526-2658 or e-mail

Beaverton was recently named the safest city in the Northwest for the third consecutive year. Among other accolades, Beaverton was also lauded as one of the Best Places to Raise Kids in America by BusinessWeek magazine, one of the Top 100 Best Places to Live in America by Money magazine, an All-America City finalist in 2005, is recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency as a Green Power Community and is designated as a Bronze Award Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. Beaverton also enjoys the most diverse population (by percentage of population) among Oregon cities.

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