City of Beaverton Seeks Individuals With an Interest in Urban Renewal and Redevelopment

News Release from: City of Beaverton
Posted: February 17th, 2010 10:17 AM

The City of Beaverton is seeking individuals who are interested in helping to shape the urban renewal process in Beaverton. On Monday, February 22, the Beaverton City Council will listen to a public hearing and then consider whether or not to form an urban redevelopment agency to oversee a potential urban renewal plan for Beaverton. If the Council decides to move forward, a Citizen Advisory Committee and a Technical Advisory Committee will also be formed at a later date. Individuals who are interested in learning more about urban renewal or getting involved in the process should call (503) 526-2232. The City Council meeting will be held in the City Council Chamber, First Floor, Beaverton City Hall, 4755 SW Griffith Drive starting at 6:30 p.m.

In 2008, Beaverton voters approved a change in the City Charter to allow for the use of urban renewal as a method to finance public improvement projects. As part of that Charter amendment, voters will be asked to approve any urban renewal plan that is proposed. This winter, the Beaverton City Council has been reviewing an urban renewal feasibility study to determine whether or not to take the next steps toward creating an urban renewal plan to be voted upon. The study found that urban renewal is feasible as a financing tool in Beaverton.

For more information about how urban renewal works, please visit the City's web site at or call Erin Gordenier at (503) 526-2232 or send an e-mail to All of the documents related to urban renewal, including the feasibility report and maps, are available on the City's web site or you can stop by the Community Development Department Planning Division Counter, located on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Written comments should be sent to the City Council c/o Sue Nelson, City of Beaverton Mayor's Office, PO Box 4755, Beaverton OR 97076-4755.

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