Red Cross to Install Free Smoke Alarms in Vancouver Neighborhood (Photo)


News Release from American Red Cross - Cascades Region
Posted on FlashAlert: April 7th, 2015 4:56 PM
Downloadable file: Red Cross volunteer from Yamhill County, Oregon, reviews a home fire safety checklist with Springfield, Oregon, resident.
Downloadable file: Red Cross and community volunteers work in teams to canvass homes, install smoke alarms and provide home fire safety information to residents as part of the Red Cross Home Fire Preparedness Campaign.
Downloadable file: Red Cross board member Fred Cocodrilli participated in installer training in the morning and was saving lives in the afternoon.
The American Red Cross will install free smoke alarms and provide fire safety education
for residents in Vancouver's 98661 ZIP code on April 18

VANCOUVER, April 7, 2015 - Did you know that if a fire starts in your home, you may have just two minutes to escape?

The Red Cross in Oregon and Southwest Washington responds to an average of two home fires every day. After these fires, residents had to face finding a place to stay, purchasing food and clothing, replacing lost possessions, notifying loved ones and navigating insurance.

Moreover, home fires in the United States kill more than 2,500 people annually and cause an average of 13,000 injuries. Approximately 60 percent of fire deaths occur in homes without a working smoke alarm.

The American Red Cross has launched a national campaign to reduce the number of fire deaths and injuries by 25 percent over the next five years. In Vancouver, this campaign is in conjunction with the Vancouver Fire Department Fire Corps.

On Saturday, April 18, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., trained Red Cross volunteers will be canvassing neighborhoods in the 98661 ZIP code to inquire if there is a working smoke alarm in the home, to install smoke alarms free of charge, review a fire safety and home hazard checklist, and provide information about creating a fire escape plan. In addition, volunteers will share additional home fire and other emergency-preparedness information with residents.

Volunteers are needed for this important outreach effort. Training will be provided at 8 a.m. on April 18. Individuals, faith-based groups, local business and organizations are welcome to participate. For additional info or to register to volunteer, visit

According to Dennis Rugg, executive director of the American Red Cross Southwest Washington Chapter, home fires cause more fatalities than Hurricane Katrina, the 2011 tornadoes and Hurricane Sandy combined. "Having working smoke alarms in homes and developing escape plans can saves lives," Rugg says.

Red Cross will be visiting homes in the 98661 ZIP code within these boundaries: Between Saint Johns Boulevard and NE 72 Avenue, and south of NE 78 Street to the Columbia River.

NOTE: Residents with the 98661 ZIP but outside the canvassing boundaries may also schedule an appointment with a trained Red Cross volunteer by calling (503) 528-5783. Residents will receive a one-hour appointment window.

The Red Cross advocates emergency preparedness and suggests taking a few moments to review your family's exit plan should there be a fire in your home. Know what to do before, during and after a home fire. This information, and more, is available at or in a free Prepare! Resource Guide published by the American Red Cross Cascades Region. The guide can be downloaded at

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