Portland Fire & Rescue responds to early morning house fire


News Release from Portland Fire & Rescue
Posted on FlashAlert: April 5th, 2015 9:39 AM
PF&R was dispatched to a house fire (6901 S.E. Tenino) at 03:57AM. They arrived to fire showing from the rear of the home and smoke coming out of the front door. Firefighters quickly headed for the root of the fire, while another crew verified that the house was empty. The Incident commander also had to send a crew to protect the neighboring structure. In addition, firefighters had to contend with 20 pound propane bottles that started to vent during the fire. No one was injured during this incident and the cause is still under investigation.

There are three important things you can do to reduce your risk of injury from a home fire:

1. Make sure your home has properly installed and working smoke alarms.

2. Plan and practice a fire escape plan.

3. In case of a fire, get out and stay out. Going back into a burning home can be deadly.
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