PF&R firefighters rescue woman from house fire (Photo)


News Release from Portland Fire & Rescue
Posted on FlashAlert: April 2nd, 2015 12:09 PM
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courtesy of Dick Harris (PF&R)

Portland Fire & Rescue was dispatched to a residential fire (12245 S.E. Mill Ct.) at 9:11 AM. They arrived to fire coming from the back of the house and smoke escaping through the windows. Fire crews began fire attack while simultaneously performing a search of the home. A member of the search team heard a woman calling out on the 2nd floor. It was obvious that she was in the early stages of being overcome by smoke inhalation. They quickly carried the woman out of the house where she was treated by paramedics and later transported to the hospital.

Smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death for victims of indoor fires. It is estimated that 50-80% of fire deaths are the result of smoke inhalation injuries, including burns to the respiratory system.

"This is why we train so diligently," said Battalion Chief Bob Zavodsky,"and it's a wonderful feeling to see it come to fruition." A fire investigator is on scene to determine a cause and damage assessment.

There are three important things you can do to reduce your risk of injury from a home fire:

1. Make sure your home has properly installed and working smoke alarms.

2. Plan and practice a fire escape plan.

3. In case of a fire, get out and stay out. Going back into a burning home can be deadly.
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