Oregon City Police Investigate Infant Homicide


News Release from Oregon City Police Dept.
Posted on FlashAlert: April 14th, 2015 11:38 AM
Oregon City, Oregon (April 14, 2015, 1130 am): The Oregon City Police Department is investigating the homicide of a seven month old infant boy from Oregon City.

On the afternoon of April 6, 2015 hospital staff at Randall Children's Hospital at Legacy Emanuel reported they were treating a seven month old boy who sustained a skull fracture. Oregon City Detectives immediately began investigating the circumstances regarding the child's injury.

Investigators found the infant had been at his babysitter's house in Oregon City when the injury occurred. The infant's parents were notified and have been fully cooperating with the investigation.

On April 7, 2015 the seven month old boy died as result of his head injury. An autopsy was later conducted by the State Medical Examiner's Office. Oregon City Police Detectives have classified this case as a homicide and an ongoing investigation is being conducted.
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