Serious Injury Traffic Crash - Interstate 5 in Albany (Photo)


News Release from Oregon State Police
Posted on FlashAlert: August 9th, 2014 6:18 PM
Downloadable file: 080914.i5_mp233.1.JPG
Oregon State Police (OSP) is continuing the investigation into Saturday morning's single vehicle serious injury traffic crash that occurred along the northbound lanes of Interstate 5 in Albany. Seven people, 2 adults and 5 children, were transported to area hospitals with minor to critical injuries. Driver fatigue is being investigated as a contributing factor.

On August 9, 2014 at approximately 6:13 a.m., a 2002 Chrysler Town & Country van driven by GUSTAVO GUEVARA-HERNANDEZ, age 35, from Salem, was northbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 233 when the driver fell asleep. The van drifted toward the right shoulder and crashed head-on with the impact absorbing guardrail attenuator at the exit 233 off ramp. The van rolled and came to rest on its top blocking the off ramp.

The two adults and five children, ages 5 - 16, were transported to various area hospitals. The driver's 5-year old daughter, CAMILIA GUEVARA BARCENAS, was transported by air ambulance to Salem Hospital with critical injuries. Safety restraint use is pending confirmation.

The off ramp closed for over 3 hours during the emergency response and investigation.

OSP troopers from the Albany Area Command office are continuing the investigation. Trooper Jeff Freitag is the lead investigator. OSP was assisted at the scene by fire personnel from Albany, Jefferson, and Lebanon fire departments.

Photograph - Oregon State Police

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