Serious Injury Motorcycle-Involved Crash - Highway 242 east of Highway 126 (Photo)


News Release from Oregon State Police
Posted on FlashAlert: August 16th, 2014 9:48 PM
Downloadable file: 081614.hwy242_mp71.1.JPG
Oregon State Police (OSP) is continuing the investigation into Saturday afternoon's motorcycle-involved traffic crash that injured two people along Highway 242 (McKenzie Highway) about fourteen miles east of Highway 126.

On August 16, 2014 at approximately 12:10 p.m., passing motorists reported coming across the scene of a motorcycle crash on Highway 242 near milepost 71. A Harley Davidson motorcycle crashed off the highway near a tree seriously injuring the operator and causing minor injuries to the passenger. The citizens who stopped at the scene provided initial care until relieved by arriving medical personnel.

The operator, GERALD R. DONALDSON, age 70, from Box Elder, South Dakota, was transported by ground ambulance to a secondary location where LifeFlight was standing by. The operator was transported by air ambulance to Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend. Passenger JUDY DONALDSON, age 70, was taken to the same hospital by ground ambulance. Both were wearing protective helmets.

OSP is continuing the investigation into the manner and cause of the crash. Trooper Josh Wolcott-Peterson from the OSP Springfield Area Command office is the lead investigator.

OSP was assisted at the scene by McKenzie Fire & Rescue, Springfield EMS, and LifeFlight.

Photographs - Oregon State Police

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