Portland Fire responds to an apartment fire in NW Portland. (Photo)


News Release from Portland Fire & Rescue
Posted on FlashAlert: August 16th, 2014 11:32 AM
Downloadable file: PF&R at 925 NW 20th Ave., apartment fire
At 8:11 AM, Portland Fire & Rescue was dispatched to an apartment fire at 925 NW 20th Ave (Chesterberry Apartments). Initial reports were that smoke was visible on the third and fourth floors, and fire alarms could be heard throughout the building. Engine 3 and Truck 3 (Northwest/Pearl District) were the first units to arrive, where Engine 3 assumed fire attack while Truck 3 began search and rescue responsibilities.

Once it was verified that the tenants had all made it out safely, the engine crew advanced a hose line into the apartment and ensured that the fire was out. The residents were alerted to the presence of smoke and fire by working smoke alarms in the unit. In addition, an alert tenant also pulled the apartment "pull-station" alarm, which then set off an audible alarm throughout the entire building.

There were no injuries as a result of this fire.

The Fire Investigator determined the cause to be excessive use of extension cords, with combustibles placed on top of and around the extension cords. There is no damage estimate at this time.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, electrical distribution equipment, such as extension cords, is a major cause of fire deaths in the U.S.. The most common cause of fires from extension cords is due to improper use and/or overloading, especially when cords have multiple outlets. Most extension cords are only rated for a maximum of ten amps or 1200 watts. Overloading can occur when multiple devices are plugged into one cord or when cords are "daisy chained" (plugging multiple extension cords together).

Battalion Chief Tom Williams credited the smoke alarms and the rapid response of responding units for averting what could have been a much worse fire.
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