Portland Fire & Rescue Responds to an Apartment Fire and House Fire. (Photo)


News Release from Portland Fire & Rescue
Posted on FlashAlert: August 18th, 2014 4:01 PM
Downloadable file: 12508 NE Glisan FF Near Burning Item
Downloadable file: 12508 NE Glisan FF Removing Burning Roofing
Downloadable file: 12508 NE Glisan After the Fire
Downloadable file: 12508 NE Glisan FF's Search For Hot Embers
This afternoon at 12:23 pm Portland Firefighters from Station 30 (Gateway) were called to an apartment fire at 12508 NE Glisan. Firefighters arrived and found heavy smoke and fire issuing from a single story apartment. The homes occupant stated that she was watching TV when she smelled smoke and heard the smoke alarm. She investigated, found the fire, got outside and called 911.

Firefighters extinguished the fire, although the apartment where the fire started suffered significant damage. Red Cross was called to help provide the occupants shelter. No injuries were associated with this fire. Fire Investigators were called to the scene to investigate the fires cause and to estimate damages. The Fire Investigator indicated that this fire was caused by combustible items that made contact with electrical equipment. The damage estimate is not yet available.

While Firefighters were on scene working at the Glisan Street fire another fire was reported at 6225 SE 70th. Fire crews from Station 11 (Lents) arrived to find a single story home with fire in the attic. The fire was extinguished with a majority of the fire damage confined to the attic. No injuries were associated with this fire. A fire investigator was called to this scene also. Cause and damage information is not yet available.

Portland Fire & Rescue reminds residents that working smoke alarms save lives. Residents are also reminded to keep combustibles away from electrical equipment and other heat sources.
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