Minor Injury Truck Crash - Highway 20 near Eddyville


News Release from Oregon State Police
Posted on FlashAlert: August 12th, 2014 11:48 AM
Highway 20 near Eddyville is restricted to one lane while the scene of an overturned truck and trailer is being cleared. The truck driver received minor injuries and Oregon State Police (OSP) is continuing the investigation.

Preliminary information indicates on August 12, 2014 at approximately 8:30 a.m., a 2007 Kenworth truck pulling a trailer loaded with garbage driven by an adult male was traveling eastbound on Highway 20 near milepost 23. As the truck negotiated through a curve, the truck and trailer traveled off the highway and overturned on a bordering property.

The truck's driver was extricated by Toledo Fire Department personnel. He was transported by Pac West Ambulance to Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital for treatment of minor injuries.

ODOT is helping coordinate cleanup of spilled debris and removal of overturned truck and trailer.

One lane of travel is open with flaggers coordinating vehicle movement for both directions on Highway 20. Traffic updates TripCheck.com.

OSP troopers from the Newport Area Command office are investigating the cause of the crash.

No photographs for release at this time.

### www.oregon.gov/OSP ###
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