Man Arrested For Non-Injury DUII Crash


News Release from Gresham Police Dept
Posted on FlashAlert: August 7th, 2014 3:15 PM
Gresham, Ore. - D James McMurray, 43, was arrested on Aug. 7 after he crashed his 2014 Jetta into a fire hydrant, fence and yard near the 3100 block of SE 190th Drive.

McMurray, a police sergeant with the Portland Police Bureau, was off duty and the sole occupant when he crashed his car just after 10:00 a.m. No one was injured but the accident caused approximately $5,000 in property damage. A Gresham police sergeant was the first officer to arrive and McMurray is reported to have been completely cooperative throughout the investigation.

McMurray was cited for DUII- alcohol, Reckless Driving, and two counts of Criminal Mischief in the second degree.

No additional information is available at this time.

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