Jim Walker Appointed as Oregon's Next State Fire Marshal (Photo)


News Release from Oregon State Police
Posted on FlashAlert: August 7th, 2014 2:49 PM
Downloadable file: Walker.jpg
Oregon State Police Superintendent Rich Evans announced the appointment of JIM WALKER as the next State Fire Marshal for the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM). WALKER's appointment was effective August 1, 2014.

WALKER, age 52, began his service as Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal in 2009 and has been serving as the interim state fire marshal since March 2014. In his role as State Fire Marshal, WALKER directs the agency's fire programs, including fire code development and enforcement, fire investigation, fire data collection and analysis, the Community Right to Know Program, Hazmat Response Teams, fire safety education and information, firesetter intervention, and regulation of the fireworks, explosives, propane, and non-retail gasoline dispensing industries. Other responsibilities include administration of the State Fire Service Mobilization Plan and the State Fire Marshal's structural overhead teams.

WALKER is a member of the Oregon Fire Chiefs Association, Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association, Pacific Northwest Coordinating Group Steering Committee, Western Fire Chiefs Association, National Fire Protection Association, Oregon Fire Marshals Association, Governor's Fire Service Policy Council, International Fire Chiefs Association, and International Code Council.

Prior to joining OSFM in 2009, he was the Fire Operations Director for the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) and has experience managing ODF's statewide fire operations activities including directing aviation resources.

"I thank the fire service and Oregon State Police for their support and confidence in leading a high-quality organization into the future," said WALKER. "I look forward to continuing our great partnerships with the Oregon fire service in achieving our common goals of protecting Oregonians and their property from fire and hazardous materials."

WALKER is Oregon's 10th State Fire Marshal after C. Walter Stickney was officially appointed the first State Fire Marshal in 1963.

More information about the Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal is available on the agency's website at http://www.oregon.gov/osp/SFM/pages/index.aspx.

Photograph - Office of State Fire Marshal

### www.oregon.gov/OSP ###
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