Fatal Motorcycle Crash - Highway 126E east of Vida in Lane County (Photo)


News Release from Oregon State Police
Posted on FlashAlert: August 9th, 2014 7:10 PM
Downloadable file: 080914.fatal.hwuy126e_mp36.JPG
Oregon State Police (OSP) is continuing the investigation into Saturday morning's motorcycle-involved fatal traffic crash along Highway 126E about ten miles east of Vida in Lane County. The crash resulted in the death of a 58-year old Vida man.

On August 9, 2014 at approximately 9:52 a.m., a 1986 Harley Davidson operated by MARK FREDERICK RICKMAN, age 58, from Vida, was traveling on Highway 126E near milepost 36 negotiating a left curve too fast. The motorcycle traveled off the highway into a ditch, struck a road side reflector and returned back onto the highway where it crashed.

RICKMAN was ejected and pronounced deceased at the scene. He was wearing a protective helmet.

OSP troopers from the Springfield Area Command office are continuing the investigation. Speed is a possible contributing factor. Trooper Kyle Bachmeier is the lead investigator.

OSP was assisted at the scene by McKenzie Fire & Rescue and ODOT. The highway was closed for an hour and then opened to one lane for the next three hours.

Photograph - Oregon State Police

### www.oregon.gov/OSP ###
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