Early morning industrial equipment fire in parking lot (Photo)


News Release from Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
Posted on FlashAlert: August 15th, 2014 6:17 AM
Downloadable file: Herman Rd_3
Downloadable file: Herman Rd_2
Downloadable file: Herman Rd_1
Crews arrived to 10000 SW Herman Road in Tualatin early this morning to find 20-foot flames coming from an industrial forklift that caught fire. Multiple calls came into 9-1-1 starting at 1:34am. Near the forklift was a l arge propane storage tank that prompted fire officials to elevate the incident to a first-alarm bringing additional resources to the scene. The propane tank had a capacity of 1,000 gallons but it was reported the tank was approximately half-full. The fire arriving engine from Tualatin Station 34 began fighting the fire with other crews initiating attack from different positions around the forklift and tank. Fire was burning from the fuel tank on the forklift. The propane storage tank began to self-vent through its pressure relief valve and also caught fire. Crews then deployed large-volume water monitors to deluge the burning forklift and tank with water and pulled crews back in a defensive firefighting position for safety. The large volume of water also kept the storage tank cooled to further prevent its contents from escalating the fire. Firefighters knocked down the fire and brought it under control isolating the fire to just the forklift and storage tank saving a nearby buildi ng and equipment.

It was reported that a worker was refueling a forklift fuel tank at the time the fire started but escaped without injury. Other workers at the plant were able to evacuate to safety with no injuries reported of any employees. During firefighting operations, one firefighter obtained minor injuries and was evaluated on-scene. That firefighter was taken to a nearby hospital as a precaution.

Approximately 40-firefighters fought the fire including firefighters from Lake Oswego Fire Department.

A TVF&R investigator is working to determine the cause of the fire and damage estimates.

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