Deputies Provide Enhanced DUII and Seatbelt Patrol


News Release from Washington Co. Sheriff's Office
Posted on FlashAlert: August 13th, 2014 5:23 PM
August 13, 2014--Washington County Sheriff's Deputies will provide extra patrols on Washington County roadways to enhance safety for the extended Labor Day holiday period.

The Washington County Sheriff's Office would like everyone to have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day holiday. The Labor Day holiday period is one of the most dangerous holidays for crashes due to heavily traveled roadways in combination with impaired and aggressive drivers.

In addition to extra patrols focused on impaired driving over the holiday period, deputies will also focus on aggressive drivers. Sheriff's Deputies will be looking for drivers that are speeding, following too closely, and distracted while using mobile communication devices.

Deputies will be providing extra DUII patrol from August 15, 2014 through September 2, 2014. There will also be a Three Flags Seatbelt Blitz beginning August 25, 2014 and continuing through September 7, 2014. The results will be provided at the conclusion of these traffic safety missions

Washington County Sheriff's Deputies regularly respond to traffic related incidents that could have been avoided if all drivers were safe and considerate. Deputies are reminding drivers to slow down, avoid distractions, allow adequate following distances, wear their seatbelt, and secure children in properly fitted child restraints. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommendation for child passenger's link is attached.

Please be safe and considerate while enjoying the holiday.
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