Commercial Truck Rollover Crash - Interstate 5 near Rogue River (Photo)


News Release from Oregon State Police
Posted on FlashAlert: August 15th, 2014 2:31 PM
Downloadable file: 081514.i5_mp44.jpg
A commercial truck driver was cited following an early Friday morning rollover traffic crash along the southbound lanes of Interstate 5 near Rogue River. The crash blocked one lane for several hours while the vehicles were removed and the scene cleared.

On August 15, 2014 at approximately 3:50 a.m., a truck pulling a trailer loaded with nearly 38,000 pounds of empty glass bottles driven by TARAN SINGH SHERGILL, age 25, from Elk Grove, California, was traveling southbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 44. The truck and trailer traveled onto the right shoulder where the driver over-corrected, causing the trailer and then truck to roll onto their sides. Both vehicles then slid over a hundred feet before coming to rest.

SHERGILL reported no injury but then later requested to go to a hospital for a medical evaluation. He was cited by Oregon State Police (OSP) for Fail to Drive Within a Lane. Driver inattention is believed to be a contributing factor.

OSP was assisted at the scene by ODOT and local emergency responders. Senior Trooper Kirk Freeman is the lead investigator.

Photograph - ODOT

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