HFD Media Advisory-Not for Broadcast, Posting or Publication

News Release from: Hillsboro Fire and Rescue
Posted: July 17th, 2012 11:36 AM

HFD will Drill Aircraft Disaster Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Three Nights

Hillsboro Fire Department (HFD) along with the Port of Portland Hillsboro Airport, Hillsboro Police, Hillsboro International Air Show Volunteers, CERT Volunteers, Metro West Ambulance and other agencies will be conducting aircraft crash/mass casualty drills Tuesday through Thursday from 6 pm to 9 pm at Hillsboro International Airport. These drills will be conducted using live fire and may be seen by airport patrons or motorists. We are alerting the media to these drills to allow you to pass along to any callers the information that they are simply exercises. Additionally, on Wednesday evening, July 18th, volunteers will pose as simulated patients to provide additional realism for responders.

These exercises are part of HFD's normal requirements to ensure all firefighters are certified to perform aircraft firefighting and rescue procedures. Additionally, the mass casualty incident portion of the drill allows HFD to exercise its Incident Management Team's handling of a large scale scenario.

We ask that you not publicize these drills because they are being held on airport property in an FAA restricted area. Observers are not encouraged due to the narrow roads through which emergency vehicles will be traveling. Motorists parking near the area who are impeding the traffic flow may be subject to law enforcement action. If you have any questions, please contact Storm Smith, Hillsboro Fire PIO at 503-615-6666.

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