News Release from: Washington Co. Sheriff's Office
Posted: June 5th, 2012 12:34 PM
The Washington County Sheriff's Office will be stepping up DUII and underage drinking enforcement during graduation season. This is part of a multi-pronged approach to prevent the tragic consequences of poor decision-making on the part of young people who are eager to celebrate the end of their high school or college careers.
The Sheriff's Office is involved in various prevention efforts to raise awareness about alcohol use and distracted driving as well as the consequences of substance abuse.
In addition to participation in local community prevention coalitions such as Beaverton Together, Tigard Turns the Tide, and Hillsboro Empowers Youth, the Sheriff's Office also coordinates the Washington County Stop Kids Intoxicated Driving (SKID) program. SKID is a very successful educational program that the Washington County Sheriff's Office and Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue have been staging for 14 years on high school campuses throughout Washington County. SKID portrays the reenactment of a fatal alcohol-related traffic crash, illustrating in graphic detail what can happen when students drink and get behind the wheel.
SKID presentations were seen by over 3000 students this spring when the program was hosted by Liberty, Aloha, Century, and Hillsboro High Schools in preparation for their prom and graduation festivities.
The Sheriff's Office is taking prevention to the next level by conducting "party patrols," looking for underage drinking celebrations and putting additional deputies on the roads to intensify efforts to identify underage alcohol use and impaired drivers during the next few weeks.
Be sober be safe. A Minor in Possession of alcohol fine is $500. Any alcohol use by a driver under 21 years of age is considered Driving Under the Influence which carries a $5,000 fine and up to a year in jail.
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