Portland Parks & Recreation Dedicates First Universally-Accessible Playground for Harper Goldberg

News Release from: Portland Parks & Recreation
Posted: June 1st, 2012 10:58 AM
Photo/sound file: http://www.flashalertnewswire.net/images/news/2012-06/1399/54875/Harpers_Playground_Map_2012_.pdf (Map of Harper's Playground site: NE corner of PP&R's Arbor Lodge Park)
Photo/sound file: http://www.flashalertnewswire.net/images/news/2012-06/1399/54875/Harpers_Playground_Rendering_for_email_2012.jpg (Rendering of Harper's Playground, in Portland Parks & Recreation's Arbor Lodge Park)

(Portland, OR) -

Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) & Harper's Playground will break ground on construction of the new, universally-accessible playground at PP&R's Arbor Lodge Park on Friday, June 8. The north Portland playground is the first in Portland's park system to provide disabled access on every play feature.

The play area is the result of a remarkable public-private partnership between PP&R and the Goldberg family. It will be named Harper's Playground after Harper Goldberg, who turns seven on the day of the event, and whose family spearheaded the extraordinary fundraising efforts for the playground.

Construction is expected to take about 2Â1/2 months. Portland Parks & Recreation views Harper's Playground as a neighborhood destination and gathering space for all.

WHAT: Groundbreaking and Celebration for Harper's Playground
WHEN: Friday, June 8, 10am
WHERE: Harper's Playground at Arbor Lodge Park, N. Bryant & Delaware Ave

Harper's Playground will have all-inclusive play structures, featuring wheelchair- and walker-friendly elements integrated into play equipment. It will be the first 100% accessible play area in PP&R's system. (Washington Park's impressive playground is 70% accessible.)

"Just two years ago, dedicated parents Cody and April Goldberg envisioned a playground where their child, Harper, could play alongside other neighborhood kids," says Portland Parks Commissioner Nick Fish. "They've shared their compelling vision, generated incredible community support, and have developed an innovative park design concept that will serve as a model for park improvements across the country."

PP&R is able to undertake construction on the project thanks to the funds that the Goldberg family and valued partners were able to raise.

Notables at the groundbreaking include
* Glen & Tiffany Boyd speaking on behalf of foundation contributions
* Bob Speltz, representing the Portland business sector
* Rabbi Ariel Stone for communities of faith
* Taylor Brooke representing volunteers & University of Portland women's soccer
* Felicia Chapman of the Harper's Playground Board and Timbers Army
* Dean Westwood, Inclusion & Universal Design Advocate
* Mauricio Villarreal, Project Team / Design & Project Management
* City Parks Commissioner Nick Fish representing Portland Parks & Recreation and the City of Portland
* Jennifer Yocom, Chief of Staff to Mayor Sam Adams

The Goldbergs say they have been delighted by the support they have received from Portland Parks & Recreation and the community for their efforts.

"Wow! We can't believe we are so close to seeing our vision come into being, says Cody Goldberg. "We are humbled that so many people have invested so much of themselves to help make this a reality."

"I would like to thank, in particular, our talented and equally passionate project team - MIG & Girvin Associates for the incredible concept plan and renderings; Atelier Dreiseitl + PLACE for the hours and hours on the construction documents and sundry project supports; and Gerding Edlen Development and Walsh Construction for outstanding project management support."

History of Harper's Playground
The Goldberg family lives near Arbor Lodge Park, and had noticed that their daughter had difficulty using the existing play structure there.

They began raising funds through events such as bake and rummage sales, and neighborhood kids' concerts. But the efforts soon ballooned to include notable partners and businesses committed to making this public-private partnership a reality.

The famous Timbers Army, ardent supporters of their team and community, sold a limited edition Harper's Playground scarf through the Timbers' 2011 season. The Army has raised nearly $65,000 for Harper's Playground.

When Cody Goldberg spoke at a marketing class at the University of Portland last fall, he inspired Emma Nelson, a senior defender on the powerhouse women's soccer team. She invited her Pilot teammates to get involved with Harper's Playground. The result: the Pilots held a season-long fundraiser that raised $5,000 for Harper's Playground. The team has decided to adopt the cause again this coming season, and co-captain Taylor Brooke is currently working as an intern for Harper's Playground for the summer.

Some motivated volunteers helped the Goldbergs put on an auction gala in April of 2011 that raised $54,000.

Harper's Playground got a vital boost when the W. Glen Boyd Charitable Foundation contributed $75,000 to the cause.

About Harper
Harper Rose Kligman Goldberg is the daughter of Cody and April Goldberg, who live in north Portland's Arbor Lodge neighborhood. Harper will celebrate her seventh birthday on the day of her namesake playground celebration.

Doctors expected that Harper, who has a developmental disability, would never walk nor talk. However, Harper defied medical expectation by taking her first independent steps at the age of five. Though she still uses a walker much of the time, Harper loves to enjoy playgrounds, and now has the city's newest one named in her honor.

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