Missing vulnerable adult

News Release from: Vancouver Police Dept.
Posted: July 6th, 2011 4:17 PM
Photo/sound file: http://www.flashalertnewswire.net/images/news/2011-07/385/45947/Photo_of_Mr_Tom_West.pdf (Photo of missing adult)

Vancouver Police responded to a reported missing person at 500 Main. Staff at the Evergreen
Retirement Center reported the following subject as a missing and endangered adult.
Tom West-date of birth 03/18/1975
White male adult-five foot six inches tall
Last seen wearing blue jeans/white tennis shoes and a black t-shirt
with Evergreen Retirement center on the front and an Ace playing card on the back.
Mr. West was seen in his room last night at 0300 hours and may have been walking in the area of Andresen and 18th earlier this afternoon.
If Mr West is seen please contact 911 to notify the Vancouver Police Department.

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