Gresham offers free downspout disconnection to qualifying homes

News Release from: City of Gresham
Posted: July 7th, 2011 11:30 AM
Photo/sound file: (Former Gresham AmeriCorps volunteers David Farmer and Kate Hibschman assist City staff in helping qualifying homeowners disconnect their downspouts in summer 2010. Downspout disconnection allows a home's roof runoff to soak back into lawns and landscaping)

GRESHAM, Ore. - This summer the City can help homeowners safely disconnect their downspouts by supplying free labor and parts for qualifying homes. A feature of the Healthy Streams Program, the goal of providing assistance is to reduce water pollution while educating the community about the benefits of disconnecting downspouts. During the week of July 11 opportunities are available for interested members of the media to view downsput disconnections at local homes.

The roof of an average-size home can generate between 28,000 and 56,000 gallons of runoff per year. The roof water drains into pipes that carry it to the street. There it picks up pollutants like oil, gasoline and metals before entering the nearest catch basin on its way to local streams.

"Disconnecting downspouts allows your home's roof runoff to soak back into lawns and landscaping, where it recharges groundwater and keeps pollution out of our streams and wetlands," said Jamie Stamberger, Healthy Streams Program coordinator. "You can make a positive impact on water quality starting at home," she added.

Gresham resident Diane Wichman worked with City staff to have her downspouts disconnected and the water redirected to a brand-new rain garden.

"I was so excited the first time it rained, that I called a neighbor to come watch the water fill the depression," Wichman said. "It's about diverting water from our roofs into the ground, making our streams and water resources cleaner and making a difference in my city - Gresham."

The City's Watershed Division has grants from East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District and Metro Nature in Neighborhoods to help fund the free downspout disconnection service for a limited time.

The deadline to sign up for free assistance is Aug. 15. Not every property is suitable for downspout disconnection. To be eligible, staff must pre-approve your property. Call Jamie Stamberger at 503-618-2195 to see if your home is in a qualifying Healthy Streams Neighborhood with suitable soil for downspout disconnection.

Interested homeowners may check to see if a property qualifies online at Select the Healthy Streams Area box at the top and type in the home address. If the house is highlighted in purple the home is in a Healthy Streams Neighborhood.

Free Healthy Home and Garden Visit
Sign up for a free at-home visit from knowledgeable staff to help you get started on your natural gardening projects. Visits include free start-up tools and information on natural gardening, landscaping with native plants, removing invasive weeds, toxics reduction techniques, backyard wildlife habitat, at-home stormwater management and water conservation.

Free Tree Giveaway
Gresham and Fairview residents are eligible to receive one free native tree to plant this fall; orders may be submitted now through Sept. 15; an order form is online at
Trees offered included Western Red Cedar; Western Hemlock; Douglas Fir; Gary White Oak; Big Leaf Maple and Ponderosa Pine. Trees will be available for pick up at City Hall. Free trees are funded by a grant from East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District.

The City's Healthy Streams Program is made possible through Partners in Conservation grant from the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. Contact Jamie Stamberger, Healthy Streams Program Coordinator, 503-618-2793, or
More details about downspout disconnection and the Healthy Streams Program is online at

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