OSP Springfield Area Command Receives Department's First "Area Command / Work Site of the Year Award" (Photo)

News Release from: Oregon State Police
Posted: June 8th, 2011 3:23 PM
Photo/sound file: http://www.flashalertnewswire.net/images/news/2011-06/1002/45220/2010.OSPaward.JPG
Photo/sound file: http://www.flashalertnewswire.net/images/news/2011-06/1002/45220/OSP_Area_Command_Worksite_of_the_year.doc

Today, the Oregon State Police (OSP) recognized the exemplary efforts and outstanding performance of the OSP Springfield Area Command office with the Department's first presentation of the "Area Command or Work Site of the Year Award". This new award will be presented annually to an OSP Area Command or Work Site whose members demonstrate the highest ethical standards, exceptional professional skills and diligence to duty that is above and beyond expectations while protecting the people, property and natural resources of the State.

Representing OSP Superintendent Chris Brown, Major Maureen Bedell and Captain Calvin Curths announced the award June 8, 2011 to Lieutenant Robert Edwards, OSP Springfield Area Commander, during a special presentation at the Springfield office. A plaque was presented to Edwards and his staff reading "In recognition of exceptional commitment to public safety, outstanding performance, dedication to duty, and high ethical standards above and beyond expectations."

"Coupled with the positive partnerships developed with local and federal law enforcement agencies, the success of the Springfield Area Command office, and its satellite work site in Florence and Oakridge, can be directly attributed to their focus on team building and team-directed efforts involving troopers of the Patrol, Criminal, and Fish & Wildlife divisions," said Bedell.

The OSP Springfield Area Command office was selected following a nomination that pointed out an extraordinary year of accomplishments in 2010 by the sworn and non-sworn staff at the office. Edwards directs a team of hard working troopers whose efforts are reflected in the following statistics:

* 628 DUII arrests
* 379 cases involving the Unlawful Possession and/or Distribution of Controlled Substances
* Over 320 arrest warrants served
* Recovery of 32 stolen vehicles
* More than 1,520 sex offender registrations completed

Curths noted that the professional staff, troopers and supervisors associated with the Springfield office clearly understand that they will accomplish more by working together.

"They collectively function across divisional lines and put this philosophy into regular practice during their daily operations through effective leadership, open lines of communication and active mentorship of staff. This office has raised the bar through their performance and positive outcomes in multiple public safety-related situations," said Curths.

Examples of some of their performance and positive outcomes during last year include:

* The implementation of a mentoring and career development program in which patrol troopers are temporarily assigned for short periods to work with experienced Criminal Division detectives, exposing the troopers to investigations they may not normally encounter in their regular duties.
* Consistently led or were near the top for all OSP offices in DUII enforcement efforts throughout the year and during key holiday enforcement periods.
* Several traffic-related stops that led to the seizure of large amounts of illegal drugs and associated arrests including a July 2010 traffic stop near Creswell that netted 11 pounds of methamphetamine and one pound of cocaine.
* Involvement of troopers from all divisions assisting Lane County Search & Rescue with an overnight search for a missing child at a state park campground north of Florence. The child was found the next afternoon by a man and his son who came to the area to help searchers.
* A multi-day man-hunt for a central Oregon robbery suspect near Oakridge that ended with his arrest after he was shot while pulling out a firearm when confronted by a trooper.
* An OSP Fish & Wildlife Division investigation that utilized troopers from all divisions resulting in the seizure of 1,400 pounds of illegal game meat and over 100 sets of big game antlers. This cooperative effort is believed to have curtailed the illegal night hunting and poaching activities of a group alleged to have been active for decades.
* Leading or assisting partner agencies in investigations including officer-involved shootings, homicides, fatal traffic crashes, extensive and difficult child abuse investigations, public official investigations, and polygraph examinations.

Photograph of plaque
Award criteria


The Oregon State Police is a full-service public safety agency providing diverse services to the citizens of Oregon. Our mission is to enhance livability and safety by protecting the people, property, and natural resources of the state. To realize our vision and accomplish our mission our objectives are to BE THERE (be ready and able to respond to the increasing needs of Oregonians); PREVENT HARM (engage in vigilant enforcement of laws and regulations while making Oregon's roadways safe and reducing our citizen's exposure to crime, fire and disasters); and, SUPPORT OREGON COMMUNITIES (providing specialized services and assistance throughout Oregon in support of the statewide public safety infrastructure).

### www.oregon.gov/OSP ###

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