UPDATE: Repairs to Eastbank Esplanade resume this week

News Release from: Portland Parks & Recreation
Posted: March 15th, 2010 4:04 PM

- Construction had paused while contractors explored cause of the sinking pavement -

Repairs on the sinking segment will resume later this week after contractors considered means to ensure the long-term stability of the walkway. Beginning Wednesday, March 17 work will start up again, beginning with a process called compaction grouting, which will compress the surrounding soils and fill any voids that might exist in the material under the sea wall. The grouting may take up to 10 days time, after which the final finish slab can be installed and clean-up completed.

The project is anticipated to be fully completed by mid-April. In the meantime, intermittent closures for construction equipment on the trail will resume as outlined below.

[original release]

(Portland, OR) – Repairs to a sagging section of the Eastbank Esplanade will begin next Tuesday, February 9, and are expected to last a minimum of two weeks, pending any additional emergency repairs that might be discovered during the project. During that period, the trail may be closed periodically for approximately 15 minutes at a time for safety issues as construction vehicles move in and out of the repair area.

Construction will be done weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., but any temporary closures will be restricted to between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to limit impact on pedestrians and cyclists who use the Eastbank Esplanade as a commuter route to and from downtown Portland. Work will discontinue on the weekends and will not affect special events such as the Worst Day of the Year ride on February 14.

On November 6, Portland Parks & Recreation closed a small portion of the Eastbank Esplanade to bicycles and pedestrians for safety purposes after a 400' section of the paved portion of the trail experienced some sagging. The location of the repairs is roughly 500 feet north of the Morrison Bridge. SE Stark Street is an east/west directional indicator of the location of the closed section.

- ODOT repairs to affect trail -
Later this winter, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) crews will perform concrete repairs on the Morrison Bridge pedestrian undercrossing that crosses under the Interstate 5 Morrison Bridge off-ramp. The undercrossing work will also require closing the pedestrian undercrossing and intermittently closing the Eastbank Esplanade for up to 15 minutes as crews perform overhead work and move equipment. ODOT will distribute more information about the pedestrian undercrossing project before work begins.

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