Posted: March 15th, 2010 1:30 PM
The Oaks Bottom Habitat Enhancement Project is 60% designed and the City of Portland has scheduled an open house to bring the public up to date. The open house is Tuesday, April 6 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at SMILE Station, 8210 SE 13th.
The 170-acre Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge on the east bank of the Willamette River just north of the Sellwood Bridge is the largest remaining natural area in the lower Willamette River floodplain. Oaks Bottom's meadows, woodlands and wetlands are important habitat for fish and wildlife, including threatened salmon and over 175 bird species, many of which are considered "special status" because they are in decline.
The City Nature Division of Portland Parks & Recreation, which manages the refuge, and the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services are designing a project to enhance 75 acres of wetlands habitat. The project will:
• Replace a culvert with a larger box culvert to enhance fish passage and improve the flow of river water in and out of the refuge
• Excavate tidal slough channels and enhance wetlands to provide off-channel refuge for ESA-listed salmon
• Remove invasive vegetation
• Add opportunities for environmental education from the Springwater on the Willamette Trail
During construction in summer 2011, the Springwater Trail will close for up to four months and bicycles and pedestrians will use a detour. Get program updates and open house information at portlandonline.com/bes/oaksbottom and portlandonline.com/parks.
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