Free Prescription Discount Cards Available Through City's Beaverton Cares Program

News Release from: City of Beaverton
Posted: March 15th, 2010 3:34 PM

Residents may save an average of 20 percent on prescriptions not covered by insurance by using discount cards offered by the City of Beaverton. Made available through a partnership with the National League of Cities, the prescription discount card is free and provides coverage for all family members.

"Medications can be a significant portion of the family budget, especially for seniors," said Mayor Denny Doyle. "During these challenging economic times, it's more important than ever to find ways to help members of our community make ends meet."

Easy to use, the prescription discount card can be used anytime a prescription is not covered by insurance. It even covers medications for pets (medication must be a covered human medication). Nine out of ten pharmacies nationwide participate in this program. In addition the prescription drug card has:

* No limit on how many times you can use the card
* No age requirements
* No income requirements

Free prescription discount cards can be found at the following locations:

Beaverton City Library
12375 SW 5th St
Beaverton, OR 97005

Beaverton City Hall Neighborhood Program
4755 SW Griffith Drive, Room 130
Beaverton, OR 97005

The Beaverton Cares program seeks to raise awareness of human needs issues in the community and to seek collaborative solutions. Since its launch in June 2009, highlights of the program include three emergency food distributions in partnership with the Oregon Food Bank and the Giving Garden project that provided more than 1,500 pounds of fresh produce to local food pantries. For more information, please contact Lani Parr at (503) 526-2243 or visit

Beaverton was recently named the safest city in the Northwest for the third consecutive year. Among other accolades, Beaverton was also lauded as one of the Best Places to Raise Kids in America by BusinessWeek magazine, one of the Top 100 Best Places to Live in America by Money magazine, an All-America City finalist in 2005, is recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency as a Green Power Community and is designated as a Bronze Award Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists.

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