CCSO Investigators arrest Milwaukie Police Detective for alleged domestic abuse

News Release from: Clackamas Co. Sheriff's Office
Posted: February 17th, 2010 8:28 AM
Photo/sound file: (Thomas E. Garrett)

The Clackamas County Sheriff's Office
Jim Strovink, Detective
Office of Public Information
12700 SE 82nd Avenue, Clackamas, Oregon 97015

News Release *** (Photo Attached) ***

Please reference Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Case #02-5025

On Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at approximately 8:00 a.m. a 30-year-old mother of 4 children; who resides in an unincorporated area of Milwaukie, approached the front counter of the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) to report an alleged incident of domestic violence. Assault 4 (Abuse Prevention) – in the presence of children – classified as a Class C Felony act.

This reporting victim states she is the mother of four children ranging in ages from a one-year-old infant, to the eldest being a thirteen-year-old child. The attending Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Desk Officer was informed by this reporting party she was the mother of a one-year-old infant, whose father is identified as a Milwaukie Police Department Detective.

This Milwaukie Police Detective was formally identified to the attending Desk Officer as: Thomas E. Garrett, age 36; who is known to reside in the City of Portland.

The Desk Officer was also informed by this woman that Thomas Garrett allegedly physically assaulted her – in the presence of one or more of her children – minutes earlier, at approximately 7:00 a.m. inside her Milwaukie residence.

The Desk Officer summoned the assistance of the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office, Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team (DVERT). In answer to this request, a DVERT Detective and uniformed Clackamas County Deputy Sheriff responded to conduct additional interviews and pursue the allegations of this newly reported case of domestic violence.

This team of investigators conducted a number of interviews and compiled all their investigative results. In addition, these specialized investigators initiated direct contact with Milwaukie Police Department supervisors alerting them to the ongoing criminal investigation. Milwaukie Police responded to this notice very professionally and worked in a very cooperative fashion throughout this sensitive phase of this ongoing investigative effort.

It is revealed that Thomas Garrett is regarded as the biological father of a one-year-old infant, whose mother is now alleging to be the victim of this reported domestic violence; which, did not result in any medically required attention to the reported victim. Garrett and his accuser do not reside together and are not considered legally married.

At approximately 5:00 p.m. (Tuesday, February 16, 2010) these Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team investigators – with the mutual cooperation afforded by the Milwaukie Police Department – responded to the Police Department and arrested Thomas Garrett; while he was working his shift at the Milwaukie Police Department.

Garret was very cooperative during this arrest procedure. And, continued to be obliging with investigators while providing and consenting to a formal interview with the inquiring investigators.

This investigative case file will be submitted to the Clackamas County District Attorney's Office for consideration.

At 6:45 p.m. Thomas Garrett had been transported to the Clackamas County Jail and lodged for the related charge of Assault 4 (Abuse Prevention) – witnessed by children present – enhanced to a Class C Felony. Bail scheduled at $15,000. (Photo Attached)

Shortly following his arrival and booking into the Clackamas County Jail, Thomas Garrett posted bail and was released from custody.

Garrett is now scheduled to appear for arraignment on this matter in Clackamas County Circuit Court, March 15TH, at 1:30 p.m.


Any employment related matters concerning Thomas Garrett are to be directed to the Milwaukie Police Department, Public Information Officer, Ulli Neitch, at (503) 545-3933.

Please reference Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Case #02-5025[END]

Jim Strovink, Detective
Public Information Officer
Clackamas County Sheriff's Office
(503) 237-2643

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